Thursday, 28 July 2011

How to Make Electromagnet

Take nearly two meter long insulated copper wire. Wind it on an iron nail or bolt it in the form of coil. Take a battery or a cell. Connect ends of the coil with the terminals of the battery through a switch. 
Now bring some small objects near the nail, you will notice that the nail will attract only those objects which are made of iron, steel or nickle.

Uses of  Electromagnet

1. Electric bell
An electric bell consist of electromagnet, an iron strip, and a metal gong. when circuit is close by pushing the button in the circuit the current flows through the magnet and attracts the iron strip. A metal bead at the end of the iron strip strikes the gong and produces sound, its contact break from a screw which is acting as a terminal, the circuit breaks the iron strip returns to its previous position. It again contacts the terminal C completing the circuit once again, the iron strip strikes the gong again. This process continues and the metal bead (hammer) strikes the gong repeatedly as long as the push button is pressed.

2. Electromagnetic cranes 
Electromagnetic cranes use strong electromagnets attached at the end of steel cables. Electromagnets pick heavy iron objects such as cars, steel cabinets, large iron containers and lift them to the desired place. After bringing them to the desired location the current is switched off to release the objects. These are also used to separate iron scraps from the waste materials, Special cranes are designed to lift heavy objects in the steel industry.

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